The future of waste regulations in the Middle East and Africa
by Megan Keen at 17:13 in Emerging, Circular Economy, Battery, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental
The Middle East and Africa (MEA) have historically been smaller producers of waste. However, this is all beginning to change, as many areas within the region are beginning to rapidly urbanize and grow. In some of the higher income Middle Eastern countries, waste production per capita can be up to 2kg per day. In Sub-Saharan Africa, annual waste generatio...

Approaching deadlines for packaging producers in South Africa
by Rachel Langhill at 20:54 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

In November 2020, South Africa passed new regulations to provide framework for implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations. According to the law, packaging producers must become financially responsible for the take-back of the packaging they place on the market.The regulations were then amended in January 2021 to extend the deadlines ...
EPR in Africa - what to expect in the next few years
by Rachel Langhill at 15:33 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
This blog is part of a wider series from Lorax EPI, taking a deep-dive into the current and future landscapes for packaging extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations on a global scale.At this time, minimal mandatory packaging EPR exists in Africa, though some countries are now entering the early stages of implementing such regulations. With Sout...