Navigating Environmental Regulations: Lorax EPI's Consultancy Services
by Joshua Martin at 16:09 in Content under Environmental

In the ever-changing world of environmental regulations, businesses grapple with the dual challenge of compliance and sustainability. That's where Lorax EPI steps in. We're more than just a consultancy firm; we're your partners in addressing these complex issues head-on.We dive deep into your existing data infrastructure, identifying areas where addition...
European labelling - potential harmonisation on the way?
by Annis Mapleston at 14:24 in Environmental, Packaging, Emerging under Environmental
As anyone who has tried to design a packaging solution that can be placed in multiple markets will know from bitter experience, European labelling legislation is complex and occasionally contradictory. Does the EU's proposed Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation offer some hope for the future?At the moment, there are no mandatory EU-wide labelling re...

What can we expect from the new EU battery regulations?
by Aaron Sarah at 15:00 in Battery, Circular Economy, Emerging under Environmental

The European Union's current battery legislation was introduced in 2006 with Directive 2006/66/EC. With the current directive being subject to differing interpretations and with battery technology having changed substantially since 2006, the EU is now working on implementing new regulations. First presented in 2020, the new battery regulations showcased ...
Are you ready for the upcoming Vietnam EPR?
by Megan Keen at 09:16 in Packaging, Environmental, Emerging, WEEE, Battery under Environmental
On 10 January 2022, the Vietnamese Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment posted a new decree as part of the Law on Environmental Protection. This has given essential updates to aspects of the law with which many companies may find themselves needing to be compliant, as EPR regulations begin to come into force from 2024.The biggest change to t...

New EU Regulation aimed at tackling freeriders
by Ellen Thornton at 13:34 in Battery, Emerging, WEEE, Packaging under Environmental

On 20 June, the Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 of the European Parliament and of the Council on market surveillance and compliance of products, was published. The new legislation prohibits products from being placed on the market in the EU unless the producer has an economic operator established in the EU. The aim of the Regulation is to prevent free riders f...
Germany extends its WEEE scope to cover passive equipment
by Emma Mundy at 12:39 in Environmental, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental
From May 1, 2019 WEEE scope is being extended to passive equipment such as cables, sockets, plugs, switches, aerials and busbars in Germany. The new rule is only of relevance to end-equipment designed for operation with a maximum alternating voltage (AC) of 1,000 volts or a maximum direct voltage (DC) of 1,500 volts. Passive devices belong to categories ...

Expansion of electronics and batteries producer responsibility in Ontario
by Ellen Thornton at 11:29 in Battery, Circular Economy, Emerging, WEEE under Environmental
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment is currently holding consultations with stakeholders in the electronics / electrical equipment and batteries sector regarding the approaching circular economy regulation for EEE and batteries (and their packaging). The consultation ends on 6th February and will focus on the key decisions affecting industry as part o...
Government of Yukon announces amendments to the Designated Materials Regulation
by Ellen Thornton at 13:36 in Emerging, WEEE under Environmental
Following a consultation with Yukoners and information from established systems in other Canadian jurisdictions, the Government has announced it will make amendments to the Designated Materials Regulation to increase recycling and waste diversion. The amended regulation and any associated obligations for producers will come into full effect on October 1st...

Changes to Norwegian packaging regulations
by Ellen Thornton at 15:34 in Packaging, Emerging under Environmental
As of 1st September 2017, certain previously voluntary regulations in Norway became mandatory. These changes and others, which will come into force on 1st January 2018, will effect producers and return companies. Changes for producersAs of 1st September 2017, certain previously voluntary regulations in Norway became mandatory. Producers now have re...
REACH regulations outside the EU
by Ellen Thornton at 09:34 in Emerging, Environmental, Content under Environmental
EU REACH regulations encompass the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemical substances manufactured or imported into the EU or EEA above 1 tonne per year. This regulation provides an extensive database of the risks and uses of chemical substances, mixtures and articles and the opportunity for information sharing between companies who use...