K-REACH - have you registered?
by Ellen Thornton at 09:24 in Content, Emerging under Environmental

The South Korean Act on the Registration and Evaluation of Chemicals, known as K-REACH, came into force on January 1st, 2015. Since then, the Act has been revised by the Ministry of Environment with a new amendment which came into force on 1st January this year. This amendment means that all existing chemical substances (those listed on the Korea Existin...
Articles under REACH explained
by Ellen Thornton at 14:50 in Content, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental
In June this year, ECHA released a revised guidance concerning articles under REACH. The European Court of Justice ruling from September 2015 means that the 0.1% concentration of candidate list substance threshold now applies to individual components within the products. Whereas previously, the threshold applied to the concentration over a whole com...
UK’s post-Brexit stance on REACH registration and compliance
by Ellen Thornton at 07:51 in Emerging under Environmental
In a new Brexit paper, released on 21st August, the UK states its position on where businesses stand when they have undertaken compliance activities prior to Britain leaving the EU. The main conclusion of this paper is that businesses who place goods on the market before exit from the EU will not have to duplicate compliance activities. There is often a...
Brexit and REACH - What does it mean for UK companies?
by Emma Mundy at 15:56 in Content, Environmental under Environmental

What will happen to REACH legislation in the UK once we leave the EU? There has been much speculation over the past few months as to which regulatory direction UK REACH will head in once we leave the EU. This blog aims to give you the latest developments for chemical legislation in the UK in light of Brexit. Background The EU regulati...
REACH regulations outside the EU
by Ellen Thornton at 09:34 in Emerging, Environmental, Content under Environmental
EU REACH regulations encompass the Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemical substances manufactured or imported into the EU or EEA above 1 tonne per year. This regulation provides an extensive database of the risks and uses of chemical substances, mixtures and articles and the opportunity for information sharing between companies who use...