Incoming: Textile EPR reporting
by Jennifer Brook at 17:30 in Circular Economy, Content, Environmental under Environmental
No longer a distant missile, textile reporting has already landed in several European countries, and is continuing to spread across the EU.A previous Lorax blog on textiles from 2021 stated that the EU Waste Framework Directive currently only requires member states to set up separate collection for textiles by 1 January 2025. More is needed to put this i...

Packaging EPR is one step closer for New York State
by Rachel Langhill at 14:40 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

On 15th March 2021, the New York Senate Majority passed its one-house budget resolution. While most of the proposal is focused on providing emergency aid to help the state recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, it also includes initiatives that prioritise environmental justice and pollution reduction. Specifically, the Senate Majority one-house State Budget ...
UK’s post-Brexit stance on REACH registration and compliance
by Ellen Thornton at 07:51 in Emerging under Environmental
In a new Brexit paper, released on 21st August, the UK states its position on where businesses stand when they have undertaken compliance activities prior to Britain leaving the EU. The main conclusion of this paper is that businesses who place goods on the market before exit from the EU will not have to duplicate compliance activities. There is often a...