Registering with a producer responsibility scheme - what's involved?
by Annis Mapleston at 13:11 in Environmental, Emerging, Packaging, WEEE, Battery under Environmental

Countries around the world either have, or are implementing producer responsibility regulations for products including packaging, batteries, tyres, antifreeze and electronics. Obligated producers need to register either with a government agency (most often the country's Environment Agency) or a producer responsibility scheme - or both! But what's invol...
Singapore Packaging Agreement
by Ellen Thornton at 08:27 in Packaging, Environmental under Environmental
The Singapore Packaging Agreement facilitates the National Environment Agency (NEA) of Singapore and industry to work together in reducing packaging waste. The agreement introduces the principle of product stewardship for the lifecycle management of packaging for consumer goods. In Singapore, packaging waste constitutes around a third of domestic waste. ...

'Fee holiday' for e-waste in Ontario
by Ellen Thornton at 10:54 in Circular Economy, Emerging, WEEE, Environmental under Environmental

In Ontario the e-waste stewardship program is being wound-up and is set to cease by 30th June, 2020. This is due to the transition of the current program to a circular economy regime. During the running of the e-waste program, Ontario Electronic Stewardship collects and remits HTS on the fees charged to the stewards. Due to charging eco-fees to consumers...
Battery recycling in Australia – what are the next steps?
by Ellen Thornton at 13:45 in Battery, Environmental under Environmental
Currently, in Australia, only 5% of handheld rechargeable batteries are recycled. Many of these contain hazardous substances with the capacity to harm people and the environment. This was one of the issues discussed by Commonwealth, State and Territory Environment Ministers on 28th July in Melbourne. They recognised successful pilot schemes in Toowoomba ...