Approaching deadlines for packaging producers in South Africa
by Rachel Langhill at 20:54 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

In November 2020, South Africa passed new regulations to provide framework for implementing extended producer responsibility (EPR) regulations. According to the law, packaging producers must become financially responsible for the take-back of the packaging they place on the market.The regulations were then amended in January 2021 to extend the deadlines ...
Hong Kong introduces producer repsonsbility scheme for glass
by Ellen Thornton at 14:58 in Emerging, Packaging, Environmental under Environmental
In Hong Kong, a mandatory scheme has been introduced to create a circular economy for glass. This will provide practicable solutions for at source separation, collection logistics, proper treatment and recovery outlets for the waste glass material. The Promotion of Recycling and Proper Disposal (Product Container) (Amendment) Bill 2015, which lays out th...