Lorax EPI

Polystyrene: the holey blanket of plastic bans across the US
by Jennifer Brook at 16:27 in Environmental, Packaging, Circular Economy, Content, Emerging under Environmental

​We've heard about it many times. Expanded polystyrene (sometimes called Styrofoam) food containers are some of the most frequently banned items in the US. Businesses have used biodegradable alternatives, with varying degrees of success. However, the sticking point for both individual and business compliance is that each place in the US can make its own l...

Polystyrene: the holey blanket of plastic bans across the US

A Guide to the US Plastics Pact
by Rania Jhumka at 16:07 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

A Guide to the US Plastics Pact

The US Plastics Pact is a voluntary initiative based on the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's global commitment. This pact involves cooperation between businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations to drive the transition towards a circular economy for plastics by reducing waste, improving recycling, and redesigning plastic packaging. Previously...

Chemical Recycling: What is it?
by Justin Given at 17:05 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

​In recent years, there has been intensified efforts to address the issue of plastic waste as governments across the world are attempting to close the loop. Through this push for effective waste management, chemical recycling has become a promising solution, offering a new approach to tackle the challenges posed by traditional plastic recycling methods. B...

Chemical Recycling: What is it?

How does the Canadian Federal Plastics Registry effect your company?
by Aaron Sarah at 11:01 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

How does the Canadian Federal Plastics Registry effect your company?

​At the end of 2023, the draft notice regarding the creation of a federal plastics registry was published in the Canada gazette for consultation. The Canadian government have stated that currently 4.4 million tonnes of plastic are thrown away annually, with only 9% currently recycled. The aim of the federal plastics registry would to be to allow the gover...

Indonesian New Eco-Labelling Criteria
by Qinthar Aghnia Audiawarman at 13:54 in Circular Economy, Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

​Are you an exporter or a producer to Indonesian market? Be careful with your labelling making environmental claims because Indonesia has recently introduced a new eco-labelling criteria to promote environmentally sustainable practices across the country. The criteria, known as the SNI (Standar Nasional Indonesia or Indonesian National Standard) eco-label...

Indonesian New Eco-Labelling Criteria

Chemical recycling - what actually is it?
by Annis Mapleston at 09:23 in Circular Economy, Packaging, Origin under Environmental

Chemical recycling - what actually is it?

​With increasing numbers of countries starting to mandate the use of recycled material in plastic packaging (see our previous blog for more details), where will we get enough recycled plastic from?Mechanical: using heat and shear to convert waste material into recycled material of the same type;Physical (or dissolution): using solvents or other chemicals ...

Are post-consumer recycled content requirements progressing globally?
by Aaron Sarah at 09:23 in Circular Economy, Content, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

​Across the globe we are starting to see more movement on mandatory requirements being established for post-consumer recycled content (PCR) to be included in packaging. With the likes of Sweden and a handful of the US states already having mandatory requirements in place, will it be long until we see more countries implement these requirements? With the...

Are post-consumer recycled content requirements progressing globally?

California has passed the most ambitious EPR bill for packaging in the U.S
by Lucy Mercer at 08:47 in Environmental, Packaging, Circular Economy under Environmental

California has passed the most ambitious EPR bill for packaging in the U.S

​EPR legislation, SB54 or the Plastic Producer Responsibility Act, was signed by Governor Newsom into law on 30th June 2022. The bill requires that businesses in California take responsibility to pay for the cost associated with the recovery of materials they sell in the state.SB54 passing has kept the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act, a plastics fee ballo...

What are “Bio-plastics” and why are they used in packaging?
by Jianhong Hu at 11:40 in Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

With so much global focus on transitioning to a circular economy, the packaging industry continues to explore sustainable alternatives to typical virgin plastic resins. ​'Bio-plastics' and 'degradable plastics' have become a hot topic in packaging design lately. However, do you understand these concepts, and are you marking your packaging correctly?Bio-ba...

What are “Bio-plastics” and why are they used in packaging?

The differences between plastics taxes and EPR fees
by Annis Mapleston at 12:36 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The differences between plastics taxes and EPR fees

​Countries around the world are considering the best way to fund waste management. It is becoming increasingly common for governments to believe that producers should finance the significant majority of the costs of waste management - but should this be through a plastics tax or extended producer responsibility (EPR) fees - and what's the difference?Some...

Lorax EPI's recent workshop on global packaging EPR developments
by Rachel Langhill at 18:12 in Circular Economy, Content, Packaging under Environmental

Last week, the Lorax EPI team gave a workshop on global packaging EPR developments as part of the Sustainability in Packaging US 2021 Conference. Our presenters took some time to investigate the true costs of packaging extended producer responsibility on a per-capita and per-product basis as well as discuss major changes in worldwide EPR programs that wil...

Lorax EPI's recent workshop on global packaging EPR developments

UK Plastic Packaging Tax - where are we now?
by Annis Mapleston at 09:08 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

UK Plastic Packaging Tax - where are we now?

​Following a few months of silence, the UK government has now published more information about the plastics tax. So what do we know about it?Following the publication of draft legislation ​on November 12th, we now know that some things have changed from the proposal contained in ​the March consultation (covered in a previous blog post).​ Key details tha...

Plastics bans - are we going forward or backward?
by Annis Mapleston at 13:40 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

In recent months and years, we have seen countries around the world consider banning or taxing certain plastic products, such as bags, plates and straws (we have covered Italy​, Turkey​ and France in recent blog posts). However, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused many to question the safety of reusable alternatives, with some bans being postponed or over...

Plastics bans - are we going forward or backward?

Industry commitments to reducing plastic waste
by Annis Mapleston at 10:33 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Industry commitments to reducing plastic waste

​The Lorax EPI blog has focused a lot in recent months on the steps being taken by governments around the world (e.g. in France, China, Turkey and South Korea) to reduce plastic and other packaging waste. However, manufacturers and NGOs are voluntarily making commitments of their own. We recently discussed the launch of the European Plastics Pact, but w...

Consultation on the UK Plastic Packaging Tax
by Annis Mapleston at 15:02 in Packaging under Environmental

​The UK has launched a consultation on the finer details of its Plastic Packaging Tax, confirmed as going ahead in the Chancellor's Budget 2020 speech last week.​Some elements of the tax have been confirmed, and are not subject to consultation:The tax will be implemented from April 2022;It will be charged at a rate of £200 per tonne of plastic packaging m...

Consultation on the UK Plastic Packaging Tax

Launch of the European Plastics Pact
by Annis Mapleston at 15:20 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Launch of the European Plastics Pact

​Last week, the first regional Plastics Pact was launched in Europe. Governments and businesses from across the European Economic Area (EEA) have joined together to commit to reducing plastic waste and move towards creating a circular economy for plastics. Signatories of the European Plastics Pact commit to a number of shared goals, including:Designing a...

So what actually is plastic, anyway?
by Annis Mapleston at 14:24 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

​Plastic is everywhere - in packaging, children's toys, furniture, and the houses we live in. The first fully synthetic plastic (Bakelite) was invented in 1907, and since then it has become a fundamental part of daily life in the Western world. Governments around the world are introducing legislation limiting or penalising its use (like ​Singapore, Chin...

So what actually is plastic, anyway?

China announces new measures to tackle plastic waste
by Annis Mapleston at 15:22 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

China announces new measures to tackle plastic waste

​China has recently published details of its plans to significantly reduce plastic pollution within five years. ​ The new legislation will introduce bans on ultra-thin plastic bags and the production and sale of disposable PS foam tableware. Other products that will be affected include plastic straws, disposable...

UK Environment Bill reintroduced to Parliament
by Annis Mapleston at 15:57 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental

​The UK Government is trying again to get its Environment Bill passed into UK law.The Bill introduces a wide range of measures, including the establishment of a new Office for Environmental Protection, changes to the current system of producer responsibility and the ability to impose charges for single use plastic items (e.g. disposable cups) in addition ...

UK Environment Bill reintroduced to Parliament

The unintended consequences of legislation
by Annis Mapleston at 14:18 in Circular Economy, Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

The unintended consequences of legislation

​Governments around the world are passing legislation restricting or banning the use of certain types or forms of plastic. Many more countries are discussing doing so, and there are several voluntary initiatives worldwide to supplement existing legislation. Many of the bans and initiatives which have been in place for a while have resulted in significan...

Registration of degradable plastic products in Saudi Arabia
by Ellen Thornton at 14:08 in Environmental, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

​In Saudi Arabia, the Technical Regulation for Degradable Plastic Products applies to all disposable products manufactured from polypropylene and polyethylene plastics which are often used for a short time. The regulation stipulates that the products are oxo-degradable then bio-degradable, where plastic products used in the medical and food industries are...

Registration of degradable plastic products in Saudi Arabia

Washington State and Indiana progress legislation to implement EPR
by Ellen Thornton at 10:52 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

Washington State and Indiana progress legislation to implement EPR

​EPR legislation have been proposed in both Washington State and Indiana. If the Bills are passed, producers in the states will become responsible for the end-of-life packaging waste created from the products they place on the market. Washington StateIn Washington State, the Senate Bill 5397 would make producers responsible for the design and management ...

The UK Plastics Pact - how do I complete my report?
by Ellen Thornton at 10:09 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The UK Plastics Pact, brought about by WRAP, aims to create a circular economy for plastics. Through bringing together businesses from the entire plastics value chain with UK governments and NGOs, with the goal of overcoming plastic waste. Business members who are responsible for placing plastic packaging on the UK market are obligated to contribute a rep...

The UK Plastics Pact - how do I complete my report?

The EU proposes Direcitve to reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment
by Ellen Thornton at 14:43 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

The EU proposes Direcitve to reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment

On 18th January, the Council of the European Union published the Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. The objective of this proposal is to prevent and reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment, in particular the aquatic e...

European Parliament votes to back ban on single-use plastics
by Ellen Thornton at 14:14 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

On 24th October, the European Parliament voted to back an EU ban on throwaway plastics by 2021. Items such as plates, cutlery, straws, balloon sticks will be banned if approved by the Member States ministers at the next stage of talks. In addition, MEPs added oxo-plastics and certain polystyrenes to the to the ban proposed by the commission. Furthermore, ...

European Parliament votes to back ban on single-use plastics

Chemicals in plastics; how dangerous are they?
by Ellen Thornton at 12:21 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Chemicals in plastics; how dangerous are they?

Over the last year we have seen the devastating effects of plastic pollution in the oceans on marine life through entanglement and ingestion. However, there are additional threats which are not so visible on the macroscale. Microplastics and chemicals in plastics are posing a potentially increasing and often unknown risk in the natural environment. In thi...

Recycle Week 2018
by Ellen Thornton at 09:34 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

This week, 24 – 30th September, is the UK's 15th annual recycle week. This year's theme is: ‘Recycling. We do. Because it matters.' which aims to encourage the public to recycle more, by demonstrating the benefits of recycling items from all around the home. This year, plastic and recycling is very much in the spotlight, this is a great opportunity for bu...

Recycle Week 2018

Costa Coffee are on a mission to recycle take away coffee cups
by Emma Mundy at 15:24 in Environmental, Circular Economy, Packaging under Environmental

Costa Coffee are on a mission to recycle take away coffee cups

At RWM this year we heard from Costa Coffee on how they are making sure that plastic lined take away coffee cups are being recycled. This is big news right now, consumers are more aware than ever of the environmental impacts of plastic and are turning against items such as single use take away cups. The Environment Audit Committee proposed a latte levy an...

RWM Conference 2018
by Ellen Thornton at 14:07 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The majority of Lorax staff attended RWM Conference 2018 after such a positive experience in 2017. We heard from countless waste and resources experts, consultants, members of advisory committees, NGOs and an inspiring MP. Key themes of the conference included global extended producer responsibility, plastic packaging and pollution, the future of EPR and ...

RWM Conference 2018

France's pioneering Circular Economy Roadmap
by Ellen Thornton at 14:58 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental under Environmental

France's pioneering Circular Economy Roadmap

Earlier this year, the French Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition released their Circular Economy Roadmap (FREC) which is an operational transition from a linear ‘make, consume, throw' economic model to a circular model that integrates the entire product life cycle. This covers ecodesign, management of waste, consumption and reduction of wast...

Are biodegradable, compostable and bioplastics the future of plastic packaging?
by Ellen Thornton at 08:44 in Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

In an effort to move away from conventional plastic packaging, compostable and biodegradable packaging is making advances in industry. Plastics can be made from fossil based or bio-based materials and both of these can be used to make durable, non-biodegradable plastics or plastics which biodegrade or compost. Companies such as Vegware, an Edinburgh based...

Are biodegradable, compostable and bioplastics the future of plastic packaging?

The New Plastics Economy; a solution to our plastic problem?
by Ellen Thornton at 10:49 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

The New Plastics Economy; a solution to our plastic problem?

Following the airing of David Attenborough's Blue Planet II, awareness of the global plastics problem​ increased drastically and plastics have become demonised. According to research by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, in the past 50 years, plastic production has increased from 15 million tonnes in 1964 to 311 million tonnes in 2014 and is expected to doub...

Industry heroes
by Ellen Thornton at 08:52 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Extended producer responsibility laws require producers to cover the cost of collection, recycling for the end of life of products they have placed on the market. However, some producers go above and beyond their responsibilities under the law to minimise their impact on the environment. These are just some of those industry heroes… IKEAIKEA have moved a...

Industry heroes

Packaging Waste and Sustainability Forum 2018
by Ellen Thornton at 14:58 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Packaging Waste and Sustainability Forum 2018

On the 5th, 6th and 7th of June this year, the annual packaging waste and sustainability forum was held in Brussels. The days were filled with interesting talks from members of the European Commission, producers and retailers, industry representatives and producer responsibility organisations (PROs) who addressed topics such as the new EU recycling target...

Hong Kong's Producer Responsibility Schemes
by Ellen Thornton at 13:07 in Emerging, Packaging, WEEE under Environmental

In July 2008, the Product Eco-responsibility Ordinance (Cap. 603) was enacted as an umbrella legislation to put in place the shared core elements of all producer responsibility schemes (PRS) in Hong Kong. It outlines the fundamental regulatory requirements in respect of individual types of product, including operational details in the Ordinance and its su...

Hong Kong's Producer Responsibility Schemes

edie Live 2018
by Ellen Thornton at 09:30 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

edie Live 2018

On the 22nd and 23rd May, edie held their energy, sustainability and resource efficiency conference at the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham. Their theme this year was mission possible: achieving a sustainable future. The conference was packed with exhibitions, advice clinics and a live theatre programme which was split into four areas: sustainabil...

Indian state Maharashtra bans certain types of plastics and implements a DRS
by Emma Mundy at 10:10 in Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Maharashtra, India's second most populous state is banning certain types of disposable plastic. A plastic ban has been introduced in the state through the Maharashtra Plastic and polystyrene Products (Manufacture, Usage, Sale, Transport, Handling and Store) Notification, 2018, which was published under the Maharashtra Non-biodegradable Garbage (Control) A...

Indian state Maharashtra bans certain types of plastics and implements a DRS

What happened when Lorax gave up plastic for lent
by Ellen Thornton at 09:46 in Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

What happened when Lorax gave up plastic for lent

Here at Lorax, in an effort to reduce our use of plastic, we took part in Plastikfasten. This involved aiming to give up or reduce the amount of plastic we use during the 40 days of Lent. As part of the challenge, we collected any plastic used in the office as well as collecting and weighing any plastic each of us used at home. When it comes to the weekly...

Amendments to circular economy draft opinion
by Ellen Thornton at 11:04 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

On the 8th March, the European Parliament published amendments to the Cohesion policy and the circular economy draft opinion​. ​​​​​The amendments include numerous changes and several new paragraphs concerning implementation of the circular economy in Member States and the impact of China's new restrictions. The amendments bring​ a focus onto the need fo...

Amendments to circular economy draft opinion

What is the UK doing about plastics?
by Ellen Thornton at 08:45 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

What is the UK doing about plastics?

Recently the Government has been called upon to take action on our societies throw away habits, with plastic water bottles and disposable coffee cups in the spot light. Despite the readily available alternatives, recycling rates have stalled, and our behavioural habits are yet to change. A new scheme set up by industry body Water UK aims to offer free wat...

Turkey takes action on plastic packaging
by Ellen Thornton at 15:48 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

In Turkey, The Regulation on Packaging Waste Control was published in the country's official gazette on 27 December and took effect on 1 January 2018. The new regulation details new recycling targets, changes to EPR and will introduce a charge on plastic bags from 1st January 2019, prohibiting the distribution of free plastic bags. ​Under the revised regu...

Turkey takes action on plastic packaging

Global deposit return schemes
by Ellen Thornton at 13:50 in Environmental, Circular Economy, Emerging, Packaging under Environmental

Global deposit return schemes

Deposit return schemes add a small deposit on to the cost of drinks which is refunded to the consumer when the container is returned. Hence, the incentive for consumers to recycle their drinks containers is much greater. Containers, such as glass, can be refilled and other such as cans can be recycled, eliminating wastage of the containers. However, such ...

Recycle Week 2017
by Ellen Thornton at 08:53 in Circular Economy, Packaging, Environmental under Environmental

This week, 25th September to 1st October, is Recycle Week in the UK. This is the 14thannual recycling, this year with the theme of 'Recycling – It's Worth It!'. This week, organised by WRAP, aims to encourage the public to recycle more, by demonstrating the benefits of recycling from all around the home. Why recycle?Currently only 14% of plastic reaches r...

Recycle Week 2017

RWM Exhibition 2017
by Ellen Thornton at 13:05 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging, Emerging under Environmental

RWM Exhibition 2017

The RWM is an exhibition of four industry events – The Energy Event, The Renewables Event, The Water Event and RWM. Held in the National Exhibition Centre over 3 days, the event had six zones representing the Ene​rgy, Water and recycling and waste markets.RWM's Mission Statement:'RWM seeks to build a community for a resource-efficient future. We co...

The problem with plastic
by Ellen Thornton at 15:17 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

There's a wealth of knowledge about the negative effect plastic waste has on the environment. This blog seeks to uncover what the problems are and how governments and industry can stop it from getting worse. The problemRecently it seems that we have been overwhelmed with devastating facts and figures concerning the negative impact of plastic waste on our...

Recent updates to CONAI diversification of plastic contribution
by Emma Mundy at 13:02 in Circular Economy, Emerging, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

Following on from our last blog CONAI: Plastic Packaging Reporting Changes here are the latest updates on packaging compliance in Italy and how you should be reporting for the remainder of 2017. We have outlined two major changes in the CONAI scheme and we now have further information on the details and reporting schedules required.As a refresher, CONAI w...

CONAI: Plastic Packaging reporting changes
by Emma Mundy at 14:15 in Circular Economy, Environmental, Packaging under Environmental

CONAI, the Italian packaging scheme, are making changes to their reporting requirements in 2017. The first amendment will be to diversify the environmental contribution for plastic packaging based upon the environmental impact it has. Plastic has been chosen as it is the most complex material in terms of variety of types, selection and recycling technolog...

Changes to Plastics are making waves
by Emma Mundy at 07:04 in Environmental, Packaging, Circular Economy, Emerging under Environmental

In recognition of World Oceans day 2016, this month's blog is dedicated to all things plastic and the environmental solutions we can all contribute to lessen the amount of plastic waste ending up in our oceans. Because there's no two ways about it, plastic is polluting the ocean. World Oceans Day on 8 June aimed to raise awareness of the impact that plast...


2024 Aaron Sarah AaronSarah Africa Áine Whelan Alena Zein Andrew Lamzed-Short Annis Mapleston ARA Argentina Asean Australia Austria Austria packaging legislation Automation Awards AWS B Corp B2B waste batteries battery Battery batterydirective Bebat Belgium bio-based biodegradable Brazil Brexit British Columbia business California Canada canada packaging legislation Centralised Database Cevko changes chemical recycling Chemicals Chile China Chloe Nunn circular economy Circular Economy Citeo city clothing Coffee coffee cups Colombia Columbia commercial waste Compliance compliance scheme compostable Conai conference consulting consumer Content Corporate social responsibility CSR CSSA cyprus Danielle Stephenson Data Collection Database David Markham Denmark Deposit Return Schemes design Digital waste tracking Directive Disposable DSD Dylan Kingsbury Dynamo e-waste eco-modulation Ecoemballages Ecoembes Ecopilas EcoRom Ecuador edie Resource Revolution 2016-07 EEE electronics ElektroG2 ellen macarthur Ellen MacArthur Foundation Ellen Thornton emerging Emerging Emma Mundy empty space End-of-life vehicles Energy England Envi envipak environment Environmental Environmental Software EPR EPRA ERA ESG EU EU packaging waste EUregulation europe Extended Producer Responsibility federal Finland food waste formula E Fost Plus France France packaging submission French GEKAP Genoveva Georgieva Germany germany packaging legislation glass Global Green Dot growth hazardous health Hong Kong Hungary Imogen Rudge india India Indiana Indonesia industrial industrial waste Intern InternationalTreaty Ireland Israel Italy James Gibbs January Japan Jasmine Norton Jennifer Brook Jianhong Hu Joshua Martin Justin Given Kenya Korea label labelling Lambda Latvia Legal Clarity Legislation Lighting Lithium Lorax Compliance Lorax Compliance Ltd. Lorax EPI Lucy Mercer Lynn Perks Maine Maine EPR Packaging Plastic Manitoba Max Markham MEA Megan Keen Meng Yan Mexico Michelle Carvell Microsoft Mozambique national authority Netherlands New Jersey New Plastics Economy New York New Zealand newlegislation Nigeria Norway Obligations oceans Office offices Oil Ollie Perkins onlinemarketplace Ontario Ontario Waste Act Oregon Origin overpackaging oxo-degradable Packaging packaging circular economy sustainability regulation EU packaging complexities packaging design packaging legislation packaging submission packaging Supplier Packaging Waste Forum 2016-03 Pact Paint paper PCR Penalties Peru PET plastic plastic bags plastic ban Plastic packaging plastic pact plastic pollution Plastic Tax plastic waste Plastics plastics pacts Poland pollution polystyrene post-recycled material PPWD PPWR Prince Edward Island PRN PRO Producer Responsbility producer responsibility Producers product stewardship proposal paper PYR Qinthar Aghnia Audiawarman Quebec Rachel Langhill Ramisa Shahjahan Rania Jhumka re-use REACH rechargeable Reclay (VfW) Recyclability Assessment Recyclable Recyclable Cup Recycle BC Recycle Now recycled Recycled Content recyclers recycling Recylcle Week recyling Reduce Refrigerants Registration Regulations Release Notes REPAK reporting Research resources Reusable packaging Reusable target Reuse Rinki RoHS Romania Rompack Russian Federation S3 Saskatchewan Saudi Arabia Scheme Serverless Architecture services Sian Lee Singapore single use plastic Single-use plastic slorax epi Slovakia Sociedade Ponto Verde Software South Africa South America South Korea Spain Spain Batteries stewardship Stewardship Ontario Stiftung EAR submission subscription services Success sustainability Sweden Switzerland symbol Taiwan Taiwan, Province of China take-back tax team Team terminology Testing textiles Tracy Gibbard Turkey UK UK Generic United Nations United States of America USA Val-I-Pac Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Verity Anipa Victor Bell warehouse waste Washington State waste waste management waste producer waste recovery Waste reduction plan Website WEEE William Fleming Work Experience worldwide packaging legislation WRAP Yukon zero waste

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  • Lorax Compliance Ltd.
  • Suite 6, Eleven Arches House
  • Yates Avenue
  • Rugby
  • CV21 1FD
  • England

USA Address

  • Environmental Packaging International
  • 166 Valley Street
  • Building 6M, Suite #103
  • Providence
  • RI 02909
  • USA
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