Compliance Update - French packaging scheme, Citeo, makes changes for the 2020 report
by Ellen Thornton at 08:53 in Packaging, Emerging under Environmental
The French household packaging compliance scheme, Citeo, has announced updates to reporting for 2019 data which will be submitted in 2020. There are changes to the bonus and penalty system and a simplified return for the consumer sales unit statement which has been phased in over the past couple of years. For 2019 data, the tariffs for the sectoral decla...

To Compete or not Compete: Looking at Competition vs. Monopoly in EPR schemes
by Emma Mundy at 08:40 in Environmental, Packaging under Environmental
Across the world PRO organisations are available for companies to join in order to comply with their Extended Producer Responsibility reporting. Compliance schemes are membership organisations that register members with the relevant authority and ensure that companies meet their financial obligations under the different EPR directives. Some countries have...