Austria: ERA WEEE compliance update
by Ellen Thornton at 14:40 in Emerging, WEEE under Environmental

ERA is a battery and WEEE compliance scheme in Austria. The scheme covers household and industrial WEEE and requires either monthly, quarterly or annual reports depending on the producer's annual fee. Submission dates:Monthly: 10th of the second month after the one being reported. Q4: 10th February 2018. Annual: 31st March 2018. Changes: Fees changed i...
Austria: ERA batteries compliance update
by Ellen Thornton at 09:32 in Battery, Emerging under Environmental
ERA is a battery and WEEE compliance scheme in Austria. The scheme covers appliance, vehicle and industrial batteries and requires either monthly, quarterly or annual reports depending on the producer's annual fee. Submission dates:Monthly: 10th of the second month after the one being reported. Q4: 10th February 2018. Annual: 31st March 2018. Fees and ...