Registration of degradable plastic products in Saudi Arabia
by Ellen Thornton at 14:08 in Environmental, Emerging, Packaging
In Saudi Arabia, the Technical Regulation for Degradable Plastic Products applies to all disposable products manufactured from polypropylene and polyethylene plastics which are often used for a short time. The regulation stipulates that the products are oxo-degradable then bio-degradable, where plastic products used in the medical and food industries are exempt.
Obligated products are degradable plastic products via oxo degradation then biotic degradation. A biodegradable plastic is defined as a degradable plastic that when degraded results in water, carbon dioxide and biomass as a result of the micro-organisms that occur naturally. Oxo-degradable plastics are a plastic type that degrades when exposed to certain environmental condition, to produce smaller parts of molecular weight (fragment parts). This degradable plastics type can be classified based on its exposure time. This has to be according to the appropriate standard test method.
Importers and manufacturers of obligated plastic products must make a registration application to SASO for every individual product. An application costs 500 Saudi Riyal (SR) and the Licensing Logo Usage costs 600 SR for each product. The costs of studying the primary technical documents are 2500 SR per business day and the costs of audit visits / inspection of factories is 3000 SR per business day. The oxo-biodegradable plastics logo can be placed on the products once the license is granted to the manufacturer and/or importer. A licence is valid for one year and must be renewed one month prior to its expiry date.
Logo placement
The logo should be placed on plastic products at the bottom, in a clear space. The logo should be no smaller than 3 x 4.5 cm and no larger than 4 x 6 cm. For small size products that are difficult to print on, the logo can be placed on the packaging. The logo should be clearly legible and non-erasable.
Obligated products
Violations and penalties
It is prohibited to manufacture, import, place on the market, demonstrate in a showroom or even advertise the products which don't conform with the requirements of the Regulation. Non-conformity includes (but is not limited to): incorrect fixation or non-fixation of the logo; lack, unavailability or incompleteness of technical documentation; and lack, unavailability or incompleteness or product data or usage guidelines. In the case of non-conformity, the market surveillance authorities shall take necessary measures to remove the violations and their effects on the market.
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