Germany WEEE legislative Changes
by Emma Mundy at 13:01 in Environmental, WEEE under Environmental

As with other EU countries, on 15 August numerous legislative changes to the German WEEE Act ElektroG will come into force. This blog aims to inform you of the changes and if you need to act. From 15 August 2018 Open Scope will be applicable in Germany under ElektroG, from this time all electrical and electronic equipment will fall into scope of the WEEE...
Electrical and Electronic Equipment and the Environment Conference 2017
by Michelle Carvell at 23:56 in Content, Circular Economy, Environmental, Origin, Emerging under Environmental
Lorax Compliance Ltd visited the RINA Consulting conference on Electrical and Electronic Equipment and the Environment 2017 at the Heathrow Hilton on 1st/2nd November and enjoyed 2 days of fantastic learning and networking. In an agenda packed full of updates on legislation, analysis of studies and presentations from companies handling electronics, it is ...