Celebrations and milestones as we reach 5 years in business
by Michelle Carvell at 11:48 in Success, Team
At the end of September Lorax Compliance reached 5 years in business and we celebrated the occassion by welcoming all of our new US colleagues to the UK for a company-wide meeting. It was a busy week full of team building exercises, staff training and sessions to share our knowledge and expertise and it was wonderful to get to know our new colleagues. We even managed to squeeze in a photo with most of us in the picture!
Lorax Compliance has achieved an impressive trajectory since its launch in 2014. Founded to help companies manage the escalating scope and complexity of environmental compliance with EPR and Product Stewardship legislation, Lorax has won multiple awards for its services and has developed a substantial client base that includes FTSE 100 businesses. Delivering compliance software, metrics and consultancy to companies that need to comply with local, national and global EPR waste directives, Lorax's scaleable cloud services and scheme reporting modules have produced more than 6,000 reports on half a million tonnes of packaging, 45 tonnes of battery data and more than 3,700 tonnes of electrical equipment. The team has also grown to more than 20 specialists.
To further strengthen its offering, Lorax Compliance recently acquired US-based consultancy Environmental Packaging International (EPI) to provide a wider global service offering, combining Lorax's strengths in compliance data and technology with EPI's expertise in EPR consulting, corporate goal setting and metrics tracking.
Michelle Carvell, COO and co-founder, said: "Since Lorax was founded in 2014, the company has gone from strength to strength, growing our client base, revenue and geographic reach to become a global leader in Product Stewardship and Producer Responsibility services.
"Our key areas of expertise cover all aspects of EPR compliance using our cloud-based software and regulatory consultancy, which has served our customers well over the past five years. Now, with our acquisition of EPI, we're are excited to continue our trajectory, advising our clients and supporting their environmental progress within this fluid regulatory landscape ."
If you would like to join us, Lorax Compliance are currently recruiting for a range of positions in the software development and compliance research departments. Contact recruitment@loraxcompliance.com for more information.